Monday, March 26, 2012

Fridays Photography Post 10

Apologies for such a late photography post but it has been flat out here this week with rethinking a few things and still packing. But more about that in a later post. While I'm still loving doing this post I'm finding I'm getting a little frustrated with my camera as I just can't to the type of photography I want to. Believe it or not I can do more on my mobile phone...go figure. So now it's definitely time to invest in a new camera asap. Any way we had a great weekend and I'm hoping you all did too. So here are some beach shots for you.

The girls having fun despite the cold water, though once in it was very nice.

This is the smaller jetty not far down from the main jetty. Lots of guys fish off here regularly and the local teens are always jumping off.

This lovely gentleman excused himself for getting in my shot but he didn't realize I was actually snapping him.

One of the beautiful boats that were out on the water. There were a few out yesterday and they all looked so content bobbing away on the ocean.

Friends taking a stroll together and chatting about life as they know it.

These white parrots live in the trees down on the foreshore and every afternoon they have a carry on and come out of the trees and fly around madly and have a big old squawk while they do it. Love watching this in action.

Parrots having a rest after their quick afternoon flight.

This catamaran was huge and Chris and I looked at each other and said 'how much do you think one of these is?' To which we both agreed an arm and a leg but boy it would be nice to own one.

A lone shell teasing the ocean to pull it back out to sea.

Father and daughters collecting shells. I love Chris for the fact that he is the sort of dad who's prepared to do girly things with his daughters like collect shells and even on occasion dress a doll for them. 

So there you have it another Fridays Photography Post and I'll be sure to be on time this week. Also another post soon about exactly what has been going on that made me so late getting this up. Take care, talk soon and I hope you all have a great start to the week.


  1. It looks like you had a great weekend Michelle. I can't believe you guys could go swimming. It was so cold here, it almost feels like winter. I am sitting here in two cardigans awith a blanket wrapped around my legs. xx

    1. Hi Nellie, yes I was surprised too we all ended up in the water because it really was quite cold to start with but believe it or not I have been swimming here in Busselton in May on a nice sunny day. Sometimes here the cooler the weather gets the warmer the water is, strange I know.

      I have to ask you where you are Nellie that you are so rugged up? The weather here today has been a little cooler and the mornings are definitely getting chilly. I hope you had a good weekend despite the cold..xo


  2. Hi Michelle
    That beach looks gorgeous...I'd love to visit WA one day. Looks like you guys had a great day :)
    Cas x

  3. Hi Cas, yes it was a lovely afternoon and the sun was just lovely and warm, not too hot. We would love for you to visit W.A one day too....It's funny you say the beach looks gorgeous and don't get me wrong it is but when I got down there I was disappointed because the water didn't look as blue as it usually does. Like in my video blog when the water was sparkling. But really, no matter the weather the foreshore is always lovely and I love being down there. Hope you're having a great week so far :)


  4. Love that Chris is getting in touch with his femine side.

    1. When it comes to the girls he always does, I love that side of him....and he's so like my dad that he really needs a poor dad got stuck with four girls and he really needed a son as he's such a mans I get why he used to go fishing with his mates all the time....
