Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Homey Quirks, Loves, Obsessions....Whatever You Want To Call Them

Well today I was folding yet another load of washing and as I was doing so I happened to notice I have a lot of tea towels...and where they all came from I'm not quite sure....I mean I know I bought them but I didn't realize I'd bought so many. Which led me to thinking, is it odd to have so much in the way of tea towels, towels, fabric for sewing, throw blankets and other haberdashery laying around the house??? I've never really thought about it before as for years I've had the bare minimum of these things but now seem to have an abundance....maybe I'm not really buying more and they're just multiplying in the cupboard when I'm not looking....it's a thought.

 My Fave tea towels, always some hanging over the stove.

And I always keep a couple hanging over the cupboard doors directly under the sink.

What is it about fabric that just screams...'hold me close'....is it it's softness, the smell when it's new or after it's been washed and hung in the fresh air? Whatever ever the reason we just seem to have a need to feel different tactile fabrics against our skin and to smell them when they're fresh off the line. I do wonder if it's because from the minute we're born we're wrapped in fabric and feel the softness and cosiness it can bring...?? More food for thought..

I'm sure there are those out there that like me also have a tendency to collect coffee cups/mugs as well. I had to cull coffee cups not log back as I had so many I could have started my own cafe. Last year when Chris was working for Coles they were giving staff Vegemite mugs and Chris came home with four of them. He quite happily used them almost every time he had a coffee and then a couple of months ago I put my foot down and said they had to go. Firstly because we had too many cups and secondly they really were just ugly!! He fought me at first and tried to give me reasons as to why they should stay but in the end they went off to St Vinnies with the rest of the cafe...now I just have my lovely coffee cups that go with my coffee machine and some bigger mugs I bought a few years ago for the bargain price of $3 each at K-Mart!!

Who doesn't love a nice cup and saucer when having a cappuccino??

My most recent love is a cushion I bought at Target with 'Paris' on it. Teamed on my bed with my favourite throw rug I couldn't think of a better place for it....some things you just have to keep away from kids and pets and keep them oh so special and new for as long as possible and I have to admit I love the feel of this cushion it's not too hard and not to soft (now I sound like goldilocks hehe) and is lovely to cuddle up with. There are many more cushions coming I think....

My most favourite place to be at the end of the day.

And of course my most favourite obsession/love would have to be my wonderful husband who is worth more than anything I can buy and he just happens to be a bit quirky so he fits into life very well. 

My wonderful hubby who makes me laugh every day even when I'm feeling horrible.

So these are just a few of my favourite homey quirks, loves and obsessions.....what are yours? I'd love to know so go ahead and share your quirks, loves and obsessions...

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