Thursday, November 3, 2011

Outdoor & Indoor Projects

Spring is finally here with all it's warm days full of sunshine and cool breezes that make it enjoyable to be outdoors working or taking the kids to the beach. I love spring, there is so much to do and if I keep busy then I rarely get bored however there also never seems to be enough hours in the day to do all I want to do. Chris is probably glad when the end of the day rolls round because I'm always finding things for him to help me with. I mean he is taller and stronger than me, so it's only fitting I borrow his height and strength. Yesterday he told me I was a slave driver!!(jokingly of course) Can you believe it? I was on a roll in the garden this weekend and Chris isn't the most enthusiastic when it comes to gardening but he does help me. We worked pretty much all day Saturday and a good half day Sunday, the only reason we did half a day was because we started early and finished early. Now both front and back yards look great and we can look forward to having friends and family over for bbq's all through the summer months. Of course there's still a few things I want to do just to finish off a bit more and make the yard more inviting.

The only downside to finishing a project is it leaves a gap until the next project comes along and depending on what it is you're looking to do it can take a while for a project to find you, so thankfully I'm not completely done in the garden as it's always ongoing. I also happen to have another project waiting for me to start it, yet I  just haven't had the time but I think I will be making a start tomorrow no matter what. I have a desk that I bought from an op shop years ago now and while it's still going strong and doing the job it's intended for it needs to be freshened up. So out comes the sander and the paint, it'll be done before I know it. Will post before and after pictures soon so keep looking out for it.

I'm also wanting to paint the house as I did Eva and Bec's playroom a few weeks ago and it came out fantastic and it's just inspired me to freshen up the whole house and I find a coat of paint always works wonders in freshening up a room quickly. There's also new curtains to be made which hopefully I'll be starting next week as soon as I pick up the fabric. So many projects to do and I have to admit I'm looking forward to all of them, especially the desk. My grandfather was a carpenter and I think wood work may be in my blood and while I loved doing wood work in high school I wasn't really brave enough to continue on with it as it was really considered a boys class. I now wish I had of done more as I enjoy working with wood and stripping it right back and  freshening it up by staining or painting it. My first attempt at stripping a piece of furniture was at least five years ago now and even my Dad was impressed with how well I did and how the dresser looked. I basically taught myself as I went along with a few phone calls to Dad to make sure I was doing it right. I love wood furniture and the smell of wood, it smells so natural and fresh. So here's hoping the desk proves to be an easy enough job to do. One thing I learnt and haven't forgotten since doing the dresser is if you're a girl and working with varnish make sure you have a hat on your head when working underneath furniture as I ended up with varnish in my hair and it was not easy to get out but it was worth it for the way the dresser looked when I was done.

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