Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Creative Success....

So yesterday after dropping the girls to school and Bumble Bee I met my lovely sister Charmaine in town for coffee and caught up for a bit....but after getting home I found I was bored out of my brain..all house work was done and it was a horrible day outside and there really was nothing to do. Now I know some of you may be thinking 'enjoy the peace and quiet' and trust me I do and most times I don't mind having the house to myself but then there are sometimes I hate complete silence and being on my own....Not that I like the sound of kids screaming and fighting but I guess I'm just used to the noise of them being home.....Any way I was trying to decide what to do when I remembered I had some fabric in the cupboard I bought months ago as I was meant to make a change mat for Peta and forgot and some sheets too for that matter.....There was heaps of fabric there so I thought I'd make a a change mat for bub for home as the nappy bag I've bought has one built in that just unzips when you need it then zips away...such a good idea......also I've been wanting to do some sewing for ages but haven't had anything to do.....So I set up the sewing machine and pulled out the fabric from the cupboard and got to work.....this is one instance when I do love the house to myself as I don't have to worry about the girls getting in the way.....

I love my sewing machine....
Thankfully I can sew because my mum taught me when I was about 11yrs old, first to hand sew and I have to say to this day my buttons never come off and my mending never comes undone......and secondly to machine sew as well....I definitely prefer to machine sew and while I'm not the worlds best dress maker, when it comes to things like change mats, patchwork quilts etc they always come out amazingly well.....I've never made a change mat before until yesterday and I knew it couldn't be that difficult but I also no myself enough to know that if anything I do get too finicky or fussy I'm likely to turn into my Dad, curse the life out of it and throw whatever it is out a door or's the Bergeron way after I had a good feeling about this little project and remembered a few tips mum has told me over the years and got to work....and I have to say I'm really pleased with the way it came out, in fact even mum said she was impressed.....
The changing side of the mat....
The reverse side...I love this fabric...
Folded up ready to use....I hand sewed the buttons on myself and put them along the folding lines..
The next project for bub is to make some sheet sets for his bassinet as although you can buy bassinets, no one stocks sheets to fit the mattress, only cot sheets which are way too I will be picking up bubs bassinet very soon and getting to work on the sheets and I have some gorgeous fabric for those too.....oh and I'll also be making some bibs as they are ridiculously over priced and yet so easy to I'll show you each thing I do as it gets done....
Well that's it from me tonight I hope everyone is having a good week and looking forward to the school holidays or enjoying them already as is the case for some of you.....I'll be back tomorrow at some point in time.....take care and  Au revoir for now....xo


  1. Cute change mat. I'm trying to remember where I bought the bassinet sheets I had from... I definitely didn't make all of them... some were bought... Target? Baby On A Budget? I'm pretty sure Mothercare stock bassinet sheets too and I think you can order online from them...

    1. Thanks Amanda, I love the change mat and have many people asking me where I got it from and amazed when I tell them I made it...I don't mind making the bassinet sheets as it gives me something to do and it works out much cheaper to make them myself and I have the added bonus of knowing I made them....xo
