Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Some More Sewing & A Stencilled Breakfast Tray.....

Bonjour! A couple of weeks ago I mentioned I was trying to get as many projects done as possible before bub comes and so far I'm mostly on track...yey...I've put together another breast feeding cover and matching burping bib and love the farbic I made them in.
Love this scribble flower pattern....

Matching Burping bib....these sets will be on etsy soon...
I also managed to successfully cut out my very first stencil and I have to admit it wasn't as easy  as I thought it would be but I think it came out well....It's funny that when we look at doing something new, we quite often think 'it'll be easy'...sometimes it is and other times it's a little trickier than expected.....Cutting the stencil itself wasn't too bad but boy did I make a huge mistake in painting it onto the breakfast tray....I have now learnt, yes the hard way, don't leave acrylic paint to dry while a stencil is still attached to your work.....why you ask?? Because acrylic paint dries kind of rubbery and when you lift the stencil, guess what happens.....yep that's right....the stencil peels the paint off when lifted off your work to remove it......Trust me I was not at all happy when this happened...I'm challenged being crafty as it is and to have everything go according to plan and then have this happen just made me even more annoyed and frustrated......
However having said that....I got to work on fixing my work by hand as best I could and in the end I ended up with a stencilled breakfast tray that came out pretty well after all for a first try...And I have to thank my wonderful hubby for putting up with me blithering on about how crappy it looked and reassuring me it was fine....and would also like to thank the lovely Kris at thebouselife for all her advice and tips on how to stencil because without her help I wouldn't have got it done.....
So now we have gone from a plane boring $10 kmart breakfast tray.....
As it was purchased, plain and with a slight varnish on it....
Completely stripped back and ready to be revamped French Style....
The finished product.....after much anguishing over mistakes...
I have to say in the end I'm quite happy with my first ever stencilling project...
So although there were no tears but much cursing I resigned myself to the fact that I have never stencilled anything, ever before, it's harder than I thought it would be and it was my first attempt....therefore on the whole I'm happy with it and I think it came out really well....I'm planning another stencilling project soon, before bub gets here so stay tuned and keep watching...take care for now and I'll be back soon....Au revoir...xo


  1. Like the tray - how cool is that.

    1. Thanks, I'm still dealing with the fact it's not perfect every time I look at it but I'm getting happier with it the more its around the house...I'll be doing some more stenciling as soon as my wrist will let me.
