Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Adding A Little More French To Every Day Life....

Bonjour mon amis and how are you all doing today?? All is going quite well here in our little old world of Busselton. It was a strange weekend with arrangements constantly being changed but in the end instead of Bec going to Perth for her weekend visit we ended up picking Eva up Sunday after lunch and bringing her back here on a full time basis at least until the end of the year. So it will be nice for Chris to have both his girls under the one roof for some time and good for Eva to be more involved with the looking forward to the baby than just at monthly intervals...She should be starting pre-primary by the end of the week here which she is thoroughly looking forward to and Bec is all enrolled for kindy for next year now too.

Well now onto something a little different......today I watched one of my favourite actresses in one of my favourite movies....Meryl Streep in Julie & Julia.....now if you haven't seen it I suggest you go out and rent it as it's an amazing movie and will inspire you and make you want to live in Paris (one day my friends, one day...) I watched this movie a few years ago when it first came on dvd and loved it and admittedly it's what inspired me to blog....it was the first I'd ever heard of blogging and didn't really know what it was all about....I did start a blog way back but didn't stick with it as I just didn't feel I had much that was interesting to blog about. These days things are similar to back then but so much more has happened that I do have things to write about and I love our little blogging community we share :-) Also I have always loved to write and have started a few short stories over the years but get side tracked with the job of raising a family and forget to go back to them....maybe one day I will find something solid to write about and I will finish it.

A wonderful movie...a must watch...

Now as some of you know I love to cook but I find that the usual weekly menu can become a little boring and predictable and I'm always longing to try something new. If you know me you also know that I like to cook from scratch and use as much organic and fresh produce as possible and do my utmost to stay away from pre packaged foods...After watching Julie & Julia I just happened to go out and buy 'Mastering The Art Of French Cooking' By Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle and Simone Beck. Again I have to admit I have not cooked one recipe from it but I have read about 90% of it....however all is about to change. Now I'm not pinching Julie's idea of doing the whole book in a year as that would just be wrong. But if you know me you know I love everything French and I went to a Frech restaurant in Perth many moons ago now and loved it...I'm sure the real French do a better job but the food was still beautiful (though I refuse to eat escargo no matter who cooks it) and I've always remembered it. So with my Julia Child's cook book waiting for me to do something with it, I thought why not try a different recipe twice a week. Some of you maybe thinking only twice a week.....well I have to take into consideration I have 4 and 6 yr olds to work around an 18yr old with Autism which comes with it's own food challenges and thankfully a husband who will eat anything I put in front of him.....oh and I have to stay away from recipes like pates while I'm pregnant, so for now yes twice a week will suffice....there will be a main meal and a dessert made and I will let you know which recipes I will be doing. I will more than like do the main on a Friday night as that's the day I have the most time to prep and cook, I will do the dessert on a Saturday night as a sweet treat for the weekend.

This book is about to get a workout....

My goal is not to necessarily get through the whole book but to introduce a little more French culture into our lives.....I have done it with Italian and Chinese in the past and now it's my most favourite place's turn for me to do them proud. I will be taking the next couple of days to go through the book and have a look at recipes and decide where I want to start this week....once I've decided on the recipes I'll be making I will let you know on the Thursday evening......I like a challenge in life and being that I love to cook I thought why not set myself the challenge of cooking something new every week and breaking the monotony of Aussie cooking day in and day out..

What inspires you to get creative or try something new? Do you like to be adventurous and try new things or do you like to stick to routine and don't move outside your comfort zone? While I love routine with kids for naps, school, showers etc I like to be adventurous and try new things and go to new places and eat foods never eaten before (well most foods that is) as life is meant to be fun and interesting. Well take care Home, Love and Life friends and enjoy the rest of your week and don't forget to check in Thursday night to see what's on the French menu....take care and Au revoir for now..xoxox


  1. This sounds like such fun Michelle... I can't wait to see what you make. Our nightly meals seem to have become very repetitive lately and I'm eager to get stuck back into my Cooking Club to get some more enthusiasm and ideas for meals. I think it's important to change things up a bit, I often fall into the trap of being stuck in my comfort zone :)

    1. I think you're right Amanda, I think it's easy for everyone to get stuck in comfort zones but I'm determined to get this french cooking under control....I'm finding being pregnant I'm wanting more savoury foods but not the usual stuff Imake for dinner, I'm finding all that a little boring lately....and I like a challenge no matter how insane it drives me lol :)
