Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Wet, Wild, Windy Week....

So if you've been watching the news this week you would have seen that the South West of W.A has been having some horrible weather....A storm front moved through Sunday night and we had another one move through last night.....As long as I'm indoors I actually don't mind storms and love the sound of thunder....My main problem with this sort of weather is it keeps me indoors and I really don't like being stuck inside all the time..I like to get out and do things whether it be shopping, working in the garden or doing some painting...
Now even though I've been trapped indoor I've still managed to keep up with my photo a day june instagram challenge so I thought I'd share a few of those pics with you...
six o'clock
your view....mine was looking out my back door...
best bit of your weekend.....mine was watching this amazing sunrise..
door...I love these old screen doors...
from a low angle....milly down very low
As you can see even though I've been home all week I've still managed to find things to snap around home....it's amazing what you can find if you look hard enough....I thought today I might be able to get some of my crafty white painting done but it's just too cold and windy outside today..In fact it's only 13 degrees here and it's 2pm....so I'm really hoping the sun is out for the weekend while Lyn is here so we can get out and about a bit and go for coffee and maybe to Margaret River.....
I hope everyone has been having a good week so far and enjoying the weather no matter where you are....keep warm, safe and tucked up if you are having wild weather like we have and if you've got sunshine then make the most of it for those of us who don't as yet......take care and I'll be back soon with some more news from Home, Love and Life...xo

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