Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Early Morning Rising...

Bonjour mon ami's....Well it's another early morning wake up for me here at Home, Love & Life and honestly I wish I was still sleeping.....You see the last two mornings I have woken up at 3:45am to go to the loo (as you do when your a week or so off having a baby) and just have not been able to get back to sleep. Whether it's because I start thinking about things I need to do before bub comes or because my body's trying to get used to being sleep deprived already I'm not sure but it's frustrating because what then happens is I'm up for a couple of hours and then feel the need to go back to sleep knowing Bec will be up in an hour or so......then I spend the rest of the day trying not to fall asleep on the couch.
Who wouldn't want to sit here on a lovely early morning and enjoy the peace on this gorgeous porch...I have a thing for porches....I've always loved them and I have to admit although mine is smaller than this one pictured I do love sitting out there in the early morning with a cuppa or early evening having a chat with Chris and watching Bec run up and down the drive way...
So this morning I decided to stay as awake as possible and get all the last minute annoying jobs done before bub puts is an know the ones....clean the loo out, clean the bathroom...especially the hand basin....oh how I hate a grubby hand basin, make beds, get the last of the washing done, make sure there's enough food in the house so everyone doesn't starve while I'm in hospital. So yes the jobs that tend to go on the back burner at times.....I figure if I get them done this morning then it won't matter so much if I have a nana nap this afternoon....after all once bub is here who knows when my next nana nap will be.
Nothing nicer than a clean tidy bathroom....
And when all the washing is done and nice and fresh off the line..
So today is really a tidy up day with the hope of getting in a little retail therapy a bit later on as I saw a really cute item for bubs room yesterday over at Thingz Living and I'm hoping to get back there to pick it up.....I'll share on instagram later.
Well that's it from me for now....I may be back a little later today once the energy levels kick in and I'm more have a good day and don't forget to enter the Personal Planner give away as I know you'd all love to win one and remember you have to be in it to win it as they say....take care and Au revoir for now....xo


  1. Exciting times ahead for you Michelle ... Can't wait to see your little bub.. Keep resting and take care hon x

    1. Thanks Daniele, we're really looking forward to him getting here and being able to hold him.....I'm ready for a nana nap now but will have to wait a bit as Bec slept in and is by no means ready for an afternoon nap herself.....I will just have to rest with my feet up and read a magazine I think...xo

  2. Arn't you ment to have your feet up ?????

    1. They've actually been up most of the day now as bub is messing around and I'm trying not to fall

  3. Exciting times for you Michelle! Hope you can sneak in some rest and relaxation before bubs arrives xx

    1. Thanks Elisa..yes it's getting quite exciting now with only a few days left to go....I've actually slept well the last couple of nights so am feeling a little refreshed and am in the process of finishing off a project over the weekend. So I'm hoping bub will stay put so I can finish it...xo
