Saturday, February 9, 2013

Welcome Francis Albert Lisle.....

Bonjour mon ami's and it's great to be back!! Well as most of you know by now the big news is that Francis Albert Lisle is finally here and it was no easy feat getting him to join the world...After three days of different methods of trying to get me to dilate and efface so the doctor could break my water it finally happened Friday morning on the 1st Feb 2013 but only after we had to leave Busselton hospital and drive to Bunbury on the Thursday evening. There were women coming in left, right and center in labor here in Busselton and being that it's a country hospital they couldn't go ahead and do the induction while other women were in labor, so off we went to Bunbury where they said they would be able to take us.
Thankfully we had the amazing Zoe as our midwife and she delivered Francis and was amazing. I don't think I've ever had so much gratitude for a midwife before as I have for Zoe, some people are just meant to be midwives, it's in their blood.
My amazing and wonderful husband Chris was the best support I could have asked for...He has never seen a natural delivery as Eva and Bec were both c-section deliveries...I had told Chris it would be different this time and I'm not sure if he fully understood what I meant until things were well on their way and I was in full labor. He stayed with me the whole time, never leaving my side and when it came time to pushing he was encouraging, supportive and strengthening to one point Zoe said I had to stop pushing as they don't like babies coming out too fast and I was like 'what are you kidding I can't stop I have to finish getting him out.' hehehe so easy to laugh now....Chris assured me I could stop and to hold on and then once they gave me the green light to go it was just a couple more pushes and Francis was out.....Chris says it was an amazing experience he can't describe and one he'll never forget it and neither will I. So at 7:15pm on the 1st Feb 2013 and little man finally decided to make his appearance.
So now we have our beautiful boy that neither of us can take our eyes off of or want to put down but we do as we don't want bad habits developing......and after a few sleepless nights once home we've got a good routine going now and Francis really is a beautiful, pleasure to care for and love.....he sleeps well during the day, feeds well, is sleeping much better in the evening now and after his first trip into town today he has come home exhausted and is sound asleep.....he never grizzles much unless he's having his nappy changed....he really doesn't like his bum being
Proud Papa and a wonderful husband...I could not have asked for a better husband...
In at Bunbury Hospital...
Francis' frist day home...
Just a few of the presents from friends and family...
Snuggled up with me in bed after a feed the other morning....I love this pic...
All dressed up to go to town in an outfit daddy bought...
Stripped down and cooling down after a big first day out...he was amazing to take out..
So after a busy first week of life for Francis adjusting to the outside world we are more than happy to have him in our little home and lives and look forward to all the years of growth and change we will all go through together as a family.....So take care for now and I'll be back soon...Au revoir...xo


  1. OOhhh Michelle I just want to grab you all and give you a big hug xoxoxooxx... Francis is adorable and I love how proud Chris looks :).. I hope your doing well and resting when can.. loving the up dates on ig but have been checking back lots for a post on here..
    thank you for taking time out and giving us an go give that little man a snuggle from me please xoxoxo talk soon Kris xx

    1. Hi Kris, we're all doing well and Francis is such a good baby to look after and really no trouble at all...I sure am resting when can especially in ths heat we've been having, I'll be so glad for the cooler weather...xo

  2. A huge congratulations to you both on the arrival of your darling boy - so precious, what a cutie!! Enjoy all those newborn snuggles and cuddles xx

    1. Thanks Amanda, I just said to Chris last night bub's starting to lose that new baby smell, I wish you could bottle it as it's intoxicating..xo

  3. Welcome Francis - you are a mini version of your father.

    1. Isn't he just, he's Chris to a tee with the exception of a few things from my family but his looks are Chris'....xo

  4. Must have missed this post Michelle, sorry! Francis is just so gorgeous and I'm so happy for you guys :) Enjoy your day with your little man
    Cas x

    1. Hi Cas, no prob you found it somehow :) He really is gorgeous if I do say so myself and I just love having cuddles with him and it's seeing him change a little each day that makes me glad I'm a stay at home mum who will get to see all his changes and milestones....I would hate to miss out on any of those.....xo
