Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sunshine Award....

 Today I was awarded the Sunshine Award from Susan at Jacana. This award is given to bloggers by other 'Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.' So you can imagine my suprise and delight at receiving this award. The way it works is you thank the person who gave you the award, answer nine questions about yourself then pass the award on to 10 Bloggers you find inspirational. So thank you Susan you made my day :)
Pop over and visit Susans' blog she is a wealth of information.

1. Favourite Time of the Year?
I'd have to say Spring as the cooler weather is leaving and it's warming up and the garden's blooming and I love the cool spring evenings.

2. Favourite Festive movie?
Well I don't celebrate the festive season but one of my all time favourite movies is P.S I Love You...a beautiful story.
3. What is your Passion?
My passion first and foremost would be for my husband. Creatively my passion is refurbishing furniture and homewares and creating bits and bobs for YuppyBubby, my etsy shop.
 4. Favourite Colour?
Red!! Always has been since I was about 12yrs old.....I don't wear too much red as it can be over powering but love it none the less.
5. Favourite time of the Day?
Early evening before the sun sets for the day as it's cooling down and I can start to unwind as the day is coming to an end.
6. Favourite Flower? may sound cliche but there is just something about roses that will never go out of 'fashion' and I love the different absolute favourite rose is the iceberg, it smells divine and flowers all year.
7. Favourite Non-Alcoholic Beverage?
In summer I love Ice tea or lemon lime and bitters, they're both so refreshing. In winter I love a good cappacino or hot chocolate.
 8. Favourite Physical Activity?
Without a doubt swimming especially at the beach....I love the water and have done so my whole life.
9. Favourite Vacation?
Well being as I haven't had the opportunity to travel due to starting my family very young and am still going, my favourite vacation would be from my childhood when we went to Denmark (in W.A). However one of these days I will get to Paris.
So now I get to pass the award on to 10 Bloggers I find inspirational and they are:
Stacey at Veggie Mama

Amanda at Homely One

Deb at Let's Go Moerkabout

Kirsty at Coral & Coastal

Cheryl at Beachcomber

I hope each of you enjoy receiving this award as I love all your blogs and I hope it puts a smile on your face as it did mine...xo



  1. Love your responses.

    Please re- visit again as I have tagged you for Dear Santa. Now I know you don't celebrate Christmas, but being the clever blogger that you are I am sure you will find a way around this - twist it to suit you.

    1. Hmm you're right I'm sure I'll finds a way around it..xo

  2. Congratulations on your award Michelle, I loved learning a little bit more about you and thank you for kindly passing it on to me xx

    1. Hi Amanda, no problem...I love reading your blog and your adventures with Grace and Sophie...xo

  3. Thank you so much Michelle for passing on this lovely award.I also Loved learning more about you :). talk soon Kris xx

    1. Hi Kris, You're welcome sweety. I love these little awards we pass around blog land and they're just a nice little way of putting a smile on each others faces....and who couldn't use a little sunshine....xo

  4. Hi Michelle, thank you for passing on this happy award. It was fun reading about your likes.

    1. Hi Deb, you're very welcome....I really enjoy reading your blog and thought it would be nice to put a smile on your face and get to know each other a little more....xo

  5. Congrats on your award and thank you for passing it on to me. Hope all is going well with you and bub is behaving. I am so thrilled that I got through Christmas and can now breathe a little easier given I hit 34 weeks tomorrow. I have been a little exhausted after all of the excitement and I am enjoying the quiet time before bub arrives. Take care xx

    1. You're welcome sweety....I'm so glad you're at this point and are able to breathe better now....I hit 35 weeks on friday gone so five weeks left til I'm induced now yey!! A little bit of quiet time here but I'm enjoying getting projects done before bub soon...xo
