Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Revamp Thanks...Crazy Kid Holidays.....And A Throw Together Dinner....

Well today this Home, Love & Life girl is a little tired and not feeling a hundred percent....personally I think it's something in the air, the weather is cooling down and the breeze is starting to become chillier in the afternoon lately. Isn't it funny how the weather affects our moods that way??

I would like to thank everyone for all your lovely comments on Chris' bedside table revamp, it was amazing how many of you asked me where I got the fabric from and for those who don't know but would like to know...go to the-rose-room on e-bay and you'll find lots of lovely french fabric at good prices. I thoroughly enjoyed revamping Chris' table and the funny thing about it was I bought the material not knowing exactly what I was going to use it for, then just before I fell asleep one night the idea to recover the seat and white wash the table literally jumped into my mind. Now I'm looking forward to starting on my bedside table and white washing it....I've also got a few other things laying around here that will be getting a coat of white wash too...will show those in time.

A successful revamp...love...

Now on a slightly different subject, what is it with kids and driving you crazy on school holidays?? Do they store all their craziness up and wait to let it loose on the holidays or is it just we notice it more on the holidays?? Now don't get me wrong the girls have been pretty good for the most part but the last few days...I swear Bec is trying to see how fast she can get me to check into Greylands (for those over east it's a well  known mental facility here). hehe.....No she is just being herself but definitely having a last run at the trying threes before she turns four in a few months.

Finally quiet and watching Ice Age...

Being as I'm not feeling my usual upbeat self today I threw dinner on in the slow cooker at ten this morning and I have to say, that lovely chicken casserole is wafting through the house quite nicely....have I mentioned before how much I love my slow cooker?? Well I thought I'd just mention it again...hehe....It's one investment that is earning it's keep that's for sure. Tonights casserole was one of those throw together ones...you know the ones where you really just use what ever's left in the crisper and cupboard, throw it all together and hope for the best.....if it's a hit I'll post the recipe but I have to say it's smelling good.. 

Slow cooker hard at work cooking tonights dinner...

Well I hope you're all having a great week so far and it only gets better for you, I'm off for a much needed coffee while listening to some great country music....

Oh and I thought I'd let you all know that All About Nails is taking off....had my first customer last night (was my sister but still a paying customer...love her) and have another customer booked in a few days time....I'll keep you all informed as to how the business is going......have a good night Home, Love & Life friends...xo


  1. Hey Michelle,
    Well, I used to work in outside school hours care and I can tell you that two can be just as bad as fifty during the school holidays...I think they just go loopy or something :) I'm glad your business is taking off, that's wonderful news!
    Cas x

  2. Hi Cas

    The funny thing is I'm sure my three (who are now 16, 18 and 20)used to do the same thing but it's been so long and they change as they get older that you kind of forget how nuts they can be on the holidays...at least they're in bed now....oh and I definitely believe the full moon affects them weirdly somehow...I'm happy too the business is taking off, slowly but surely I'll get there.

    Michelle xo
