This weekend was great, for us here in little ole Western Australia Monday was a public holiday, so we had an extra day to relax and have some fun.
Saturday was a pretty lazy day really, for once Chris wasn't working (well not at work any way hehe) so we actually got to spend the whole day together. Even though it was the weekend Bec still had us up by 7am!! Really, when will this child learn the value of sleeping in?? So up we get at an ungodly hour, half asleep and craving a coffee to wake us up. Now I have to admit I make the coffee every day no matter what the hour, it could be 5am when Chris is getting ready for work, 6:30am when I finally decide I can't go back to sleep or 4pm when I need an afternoon fix. If you're wondering why Chris doesn't make the coffee it's like this. Chris bought me the coffee machine just before Christmas last year (I think to make up for the fact he was dragging me to Perth and making me suffer through another Christmas, which I don't celebrate). I have been wanting another coffee machine for a few years as I wore the last one out making coffee for friends (which I love to do) who drop by unexpectedly or for after dinner coffee when friends have come round for dinner. So any way Chris bought me the machine and new cappuccino cups to go with it and I kind of implied I and I alone will be making the coffee from now on as I know how to use the machine. So I am the official barista in our house and I love it.
So after making coffee we lounged around for a while watching t.v and chatting about looking for houses and what we were going to do for the day. Chris looked at me and said 'you've got work for me haven't you?'...(hehhe he knows me too well) to which I responded, 'not just for you hun, I'll help but we really need to tidy up outside.' He just gave me that look that says, 'hmmm it's going to cost you.' And that's what we did, got up, got dressed and worked outside just tidying up the patio area, a bit of sweeping here, a bit of furniture removal there, some hosing off over there too, you get the idea. It wasn't so bad no matter what he says, in fact we were finished by lunch time so he still got to watch his rugby. (men and their sport, seriously)
We finished off the day by taking Luke and Bec down to the gym for an afternoon swim which was nice and relaxing and we even decided to get Chinese for dinner as a belated anniversary dinner and it gave me the night off cooking.
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A Perfect Cup of Coffee |
Sunday felt like a long day as there was no meeting at the Kingdom Hall so we were actually home all day which rarely happens on a Sunday. Sunday morning was pretty muchthe same routine as Saturday morning thanks to a certain 3yr old, hmm who could that be bec??? So up we get again at the crack of dawn only this time there was no lounging around as we had decided that since I made Chris slave so hard in the backyard Saturday and he missed going to the gym, we would go Sunday morning and take Bec with us. Coffee was made and had first of course, enter barista Michelle.
We were surprised and happy to see the gym was all but empty at 8:15am on a Sunday morning, so Chris headed into the gym to do his weights session (otherwise known as the posers workout hehehe) and I headed into the lovely heated pool with Bec to do some swimming. The gym was nice and quiet when we got there but once Bec entered that pool the whole street knew we were there, she is such a foghorn it's not funny. To say Bec is loud is an understatement, my dad calls her 'the squawker' because she's so loud but like I said to Chris, we'll never lose her when we're out because you can hear her a mile away...and that's just one of the reasons we love her.
After a couple of hours in the pool (Chris joined us after posing hehe) we headed home where the washing and other mundane chores were waiting for us. With work out of the way (is it ever really out of the way? I think not...) we had some lunch put Bec down for a nap (which she didn't have) and watched a movie together, during which I fell asleep. I have a tendency to fall asleep during movies no matter what time of day we watch it. I'm putting it down to the fact it's the only time I sit and do absolutely nothing, so therefore I get so comfy on the couch my eyes have no choice but to slowly close, my head falls onto Chris' shoulder and that's where I stay until the movie is over. (which is precisely what happened Sunday afternoon.) Once the movie was finished and Bec was up and I was attempting to re-awaken it was about 2:30pm and we decided that being it was such a beautiful day we would go down to the beach for a while.
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Bec having a ball of a time. She's going to be such a beach chick when she's older. |
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Me in the water and yes that is a Dora the Explorer bucket in my hand, I was busy collecting shells when Chris snapped me. |
It was so beautiful in the water that neither Bec or I wanted to come home but by 5pm Chris was ready to go so we reluctantly packed up and came home. Oh how I love living two minutes away from the beach.
Sunday night was just spent relaxing really, watching a bit of t.v, catching up on my blog reading, Chris watching the sports channel and Bec so worn out she went to bed and crashed.
You would think that being as Monday was a holiday we would get to sleep in, right? Wrong.....once again Bec has us up at the crack of dawn so it's the usual routine. Drag ourselves out of bed, make some oh so lovely fresh coffee, have breakfast and make a potato salad. A potato salad you say? Yes a potato salad. You see Friday night Chris' brother Mark called and asked if we wanted to meet at Meelup Beach (which if you know me you know it's my all time favourite beach) to which of course we said absolutely. The weather has been perfect beach and bbq weather all weekend so why not make the most of it. So any way the guys made the arrangements (if you can believe it) and I was asked could I please make a potato salad and Mark will bring garden salad and of course we all bring our own meat. Then when Chris gets off the phone I ask him, 'so I'm making a potato salad, yeah?' to which Chris replies 'well Mark said he has plenty of sausages and to just bring whatever meat we want, if you want to otherwise don't worry because he's bringing salad.' Now who wouldn't take that to mean, forget the potato salad just take some meat, rolls and whatever else we feel like.
Now, it's Monday morning 8am and I'm trying to catch up on a bit of blog reading to see what all my lovely blogging friends have been up to over the weekend before we head out and...the phone rings....and it's Mark. Just calling to see if we're still right for today he tells me,which of course we were. And then it happens, Mark, 'Chris said you were bringing a potato salad.....' (I could have killed Chris there and then , lucky for him he was in the loo) to which I responded ' ah, um yeah sure if you want me to.' Mark, 'Didn't Chris tell you?' me, 'ah yeah but then he kind of said not to bother, he was a bit vague so I didn't worry about it.' Mark, 'Chris vague, never hehehehe. Nah it's ok you won't have time now just bring yourselves.' (seriously, I am WOMAN. Of course I can whip up a potato salad in less than two hours. Has Mark not listened to Helen Reddy?? Seriously....) Any how I got off the phone to Mark, banged on the toilet door to tell Chris I was going to kill him, then headed to the kitchen to make potato salad. Chris came out eventually and says, 'I told you last night.' Me 'you told me, 'meh either way' which I took to mean forget it don't worry about it.' Then he just gave me that look that says 'please don't kill me, I love you, I'll make it up to you.' hmmm, I'm a sucker for that look.
Any way after making potato salad at 8:30am, grrrr... getting Bec and Luke organised, and making sure we've got everything we finally head off to Meelup just after 10am. We arrived to the car park completely full and it was only 10:30am, it seemed all of Busselton, Dunsborough, Margaret River and even Bunbury had the same idea. We found Mark and his family tucked away near a bbq that hadn't been over run so that was good and we just spent the rest of the morning swimming until everyone decided they wanted to eat. Me, I could just swim all day long, forget eating, who needs food when you're surrounded by endless blue ocean but I dragged myself out of the water and headed up to where our stuff was and had lunch with everyone else.
Once lunch was done with everyone decided it was time to go back in the water which felt even nicer a second time round. I was talking to my sister in-law Rosa while swimming when the stingers attacked (stingers come with the territory down south so you learn to adapt to them)....first Rosa got stung and we didn't think too much of it then I got stung. Rosa headed into shore but me, I thought I'd take my chances and hang around in the water a while longer. I swam over to Chris and had a cuddle (we were watching Bec on the shore and Luke was sitting in the tent thingy) and then we ended up messing around like we were teenagers again at our local pool. (I love the fact we have our history and memories of what we were like together as kids, we're always saying 'remember when we were in school and we did such and such') Within a few minutes of messing around though the stingers came in full force and I was getting stung left right and center, literally. I was just walking up to check Bec when I heard her say ouch and heard her start to cry, she'd been stung too and it was a big one right on the back of her thigh. So being that we were now under attack everyone decided to call it a day and head home which was fine as it was becoming impossible to swim and we'd been at Meelup for four hours already.
On the way home we decided to stop at Simmo's Ice Creamery not far from where we were and have an ice cream. I still stand by what I said in an earlier post that Simmo's has the best ice cream in the world. (check out Ant And Spider Town....Population Billions...) So 25 minutes after the stop for ice cream we arrived home, climbed out of the car, fell in the front door, got Bec showered and cleaned up, organised some dinner and spent the rest of the afternoon/evening relaxing and enjoying what was left of the weekend before the real world was back.
A very crowded Meelup. |
My gorgeous Hubby. |
Bec and Chris |
Bec, Chris and me. |
Luke. |
Meelup from where we were having lunch. |
Overall it was a fantastic weekend and time well spent with family, now we're almost at another weekend and the usual routine has been going all week. Up at 4:30am, make coffee, see Chris off, back to bed only to realize there's no way I'm falling back asleep, get up make myself a fresh coffee and enjoy the peace and quiet before Bec gets up and the day starts.
How was your weekend? I hope everyone had as much fun as we did and enjoyed as much coffee as I did....
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