Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Half Function and A Clutzy Start......

So hear I am once again up at the crack of dawn and not able to go back to sleep so naturally there's not a lot else for me to do at this time of morning that doesn't wake up the rest of the house but to write.

I'm finding at this very moment however my fingers don't exactly want to work with me, I'm hitting all the wrong keys and my fingers are sliding around all over the place. I cut my finger yesterday while cleaning and patched it with steri-strip and now every time I try to use it on a key it slides right off. And then there's the fact I think I'm really only working on half function at the moment as it is only 6:16am here in sunny Busselton this morning. Whatever the reason I can tell it's going to be one of those days where I drop everything and probably spend half the day tripping over the cats too.

I have to say though I am looking forward to 11am this morning as I'm heading to the hairdressers for a cut and am just trying to decide whether I should go layers or choppy, doesn't matter too much but I've decided I'm keeping the length as this is the longest it's been in years. Now if you've seen my profile picture you might be thinking ooh it must be quite long now, well.... no it's not. You see I have a bad habit of going long, short, long, medium, short, long, short, medium and it has been this way for years but now I'm determined to get it to a reasonable length and keep it there and I'm keeping the blonde too as it hides those nasty greys that are coming through.

And now for a very blonde moment. Since I started this blog I've noticed when I publish a post it dates and times it on Amercian time, which is fine really as long as it's published I haven't minded but on occasion I have thought hmmm I'm talking about the weekend and it says Friday?? Not to worry people will get the idea, has been my reasoning. And now I've just discovered I can set the date and time myself so it shows the right day here in Australia!!! So very, very blonde of me that it's taken three months to figure this out, sheesh what am I going to do with myself, talk about half function.....hehe. I'm telling you it's going to be one of those days I can feel it in my bones, I know myself well enough to know when I'm going to have a clutzy day.

Well it's now 6:45am and I think I'm going to take advantage of the fact that the kids are all still asleep and have a coffee in peace and quiet, then water the lawns which are looking oh so lovely and green again before anyone wakes up and the clutziness begins.

And now I've just discovered if I set the date and time myself the blog won't publish until it's that time in America....argh...so looks like I will leave the schedule set for automatic so I can publish straight away and my weekends will just be earlier than they really are and I'll just have to be on American time....I'm telling you.....I can feel it's going to be a very long day....

Au revoir......

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