Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Creative Success....

So yesterday after dropping the girls to school and Bumble Bee I met my lovely sister Charmaine in town for coffee and caught up for a bit....but after getting home I found I was bored out of my brain..all house work was done and it was a horrible day outside and there really was nothing to do. Now I know some of you may be thinking 'enjoy the peace and quiet' and trust me I do and most times I don't mind having the house to myself but then there are sometimes I hate complete silence and being on my own....Not that I like the sound of kids screaming and fighting but I guess I'm just used to the noise of them being home.....Any way I was trying to decide what to do when I remembered I had some fabric in the cupboard I bought months ago as I was meant to make a change mat for Peta and forgot and some sheets too for that matter.....There was heaps of fabric there so I thought I'd make a a change mat for bub for home as the nappy bag I've bought has one built in that just unzips when you need it then zips away...such a good idea......also I've been wanting to do some sewing for ages but haven't had anything to do.....So I set up the sewing machine and pulled out the fabric from the cupboard and got to work.....this is one instance when I do love the house to myself as I don't have to worry about the girls getting in the way.....

I love my sewing machine....
Thankfully I can sew because my mum taught me when I was about 11yrs old, first to hand sew and I have to say to this day my buttons never come off and my mending never comes undone......and secondly to machine sew as well....I definitely prefer to machine sew and while I'm not the worlds best dress maker, when it comes to things like change mats, patchwork quilts etc they always come out amazingly well.....I've never made a change mat before until yesterday and I knew it couldn't be that difficult but I also no myself enough to know that if anything I do get too finicky or fussy I'm likely to turn into my Dad, curse the life out of it and throw whatever it is out a door or's the Bergeron way after I had a good feeling about this little project and remembered a few tips mum has told me over the years and got to work....and I have to say I'm really pleased with the way it came out, in fact even mum said she was impressed.....
The changing side of the mat....
The reverse side...I love this fabric...
Folded up ready to use....I hand sewed the buttons on myself and put them along the folding lines..
The next project for bub is to make some sheet sets for his bassinet as although you can buy bassinets, no one stocks sheets to fit the mattress, only cot sheets which are way too I will be picking up bubs bassinet very soon and getting to work on the sheets and I have some gorgeous fabric for those too.....oh and I'll also be making some bibs as they are ridiculously over priced and yet so easy to I'll show you each thing I do as it gets done....
Well that's it from me tonight I hope everyone is having a good week and looking forward to the school holidays or enjoying them already as is the case for some of you.....I'll be back tomorrow at some point in time.....take care and  Au revoir for now....xo

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Who Will Be First....

Bonjour and I hope everyone's morning is going well so far......If you know me then you know I'm friends with the lovely Nellie over at McCarthy Designs and Occasions and if you're new to my blog then pop over and check Nellies out too she also has an online shop by the same name.....anyhoo.....Nellie and I are both 20 weeks pregnant and we knew each other was pregnant before we told anyone in our circle of family and friends......we are enjoying this journey together very much and we only wished we lived closer to each other so we could catch's amazing to me that two people who are both 20 weeks along can carry a baby so differently.....Nellie is tiny and barely showing and I'm exploding like there's no tomorrow.....hehe...Now I was a size 16 before I fell pregnant and thankfully I'm just exploding in front and haven't put on too much weight but I can feel in my bones I'm going to have another big baby....probably close to the 9lb mark I reckon....Luke was 9lb 6oz and I do believe this little man is taking after his big brother....

20 weeks and 2 hiding this baby that's for sure...

It will be very interesting to see who goes into labour first and Nellie and I joke about instagramming and blogging about the bubs while we do midnight

I will be updating the Baby Journey page very soon so keep your eyes open for all the latest news...we have bubs coming home outfit, will be picking up his furniture soon and making some sheet sets for him too with some gorgeous material I got from Spotlight.....Well I'm out of here for now as I have a few things to do and an impatient Bec complaining she's starving...yet again....take care and I'll be back soon....Au revoir...xo

Monday, September 24, 2012

Bye, Bye Clothes......And Hello Coffee....

Well have you ever had a favourite pair of pants, a dress, skirt or top that you love and have lived in and then it has fallen apart from so much wear?? I'm sure you all have and that's exactly what's happened to me tonight.....a pair of jeans I love to bits (and actually happen to be my most comfy jeans) died on me tonight....I bought them last winter from Rockmans and they fit like a dream and with the help of the Belly Belt they have still been serving me faithfully.....until tonight that is....I washed them last night, popped them on this morning while getting dressed yet it wasn't until I was getting changed tonight I noticed a small whole right next to the back pocket..!! unfixable whole unfortunately and on further exploration I noticed the same thing is happening on the other side next to the other pocket.....How could this be happening to me??.....So far I've managed pretty well in only buying a few maternity tops, two bras and one dress for summer but all my pants (all three pair) have been lasting thanks to help from the belly belt....without that I would have had to buy pants ages ago as I'm exploding at a ridiculous rate....

20 weeks and the belly is exploding....

My fave pair of Jeans...worn out already...

Back pockets worn out....
Love this detail on the front pocket....
The detail on the back pockets is one of the reasons I bought these jeans...
I have to admit I probably haven't loved a pair of jeans like these ones before...I bought them mostly for the detail that's on them plus I was also lucky enough to get a pair when they had been marked down from $70 to $30...!!!....I was quite happy that day.....Well I guess now I'm really going to have to start looking for maternity clothes as my clothes are dwindling down to nothing....thankfully t-shirts stretch with you while pregnant so they haven't been much of a problem but skirts, dresses and pants...well now that's going to be a shopping mission...
On the upside this week our little man has decided he'll let me drink coffee again...yey!! If you know me you know I love my real coffee and my coffee machine but from just a few weeks in bub decided he didn't like it at all....however I really felt like a coffee the other day and thought I'd try one and see if it would agree with me or not and thankfully bub let it go with no after effects.....personally I think he's taking after me and enjoyed the caffeine I'm not going crazy on the coffee just one cup a day will do me nicely....

Ah sweet coffee how I missed you....
Well that's it from me tonight, I have just had a brain storm and need to investigate something...more on that soon.....I hope everyone's had a good day and a good start to the week...this is the last week of term for us then two wonderful weeks of school holidays.....take care Au revoir for now....xo

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bedside Revamp, New Nails And We Have A.....!!

Bonjour mon amis....ok so I'm not back as quick as I said I would be but I'm back quicker than I have been lately so it's good to see you all and I must thank you all for still reading the blog even though I haven't been here much of late.

So last week I said I had some home decor going on and I sure did....some of you may remember I revamped Chris' bedside table back in April and had every intention of doing mine not long after but as things would have it not long after I did Chris' we moved house. This is the first chance I've had since moving to revamp my bedside, so last Wednesday while I had the house to myself I got to work on it...being pregnant definitely made it a little more challenging but I got it done....

In its place in our room on my side of  the bed..

Before the work began....

First coat down....
The almost finished product back where it belongs....
It's taken a little getting used to seeing my Pop's cupboard whitewashed but I'm so happy with it and there's just one more addition to it I have to make tomorrow but I will show you that soon...
This week I've also been doing my own mani's and pedi's as they can get quite expensive after a while and being that I'm a qualified nail tech I thought I'd start doing my own nails a little more often and treating myself. I have to admit doing my toes was a little difficult with the belly now getting in the way so I think the next pediure will be done at the salon...
I'm really happy with this job considering the belly was in the

 I love using nail art as it dresses hands and toes up a tad more...
I love this red it remind me of 50's hollywood stars....
I'm really enjoying doing nails a lot at the moment and would love some models as I'm wanting to put together a portfolio to attract more clients, so if you live in Busselton and would love a mani at a very reasonable price leave me a comment or email and I'll get back to you......And yes I know I said models and then said reasonable price but I have to still cover cost of nail art etc so models will get an absolute best price....
Now the other news I have to tell you is that as some of you know we had our 19 week ultrasound yesterday and I'm very happy to report bub is doing very well, apart from not wanting to be measured....once again he was making things difficult but we got what we needed in the end and the technician also tells us we have a little fatty!!! I feel another 9lb baby coming on but I'm not surprised with the way I'm popping.....bub also made it difficult to see if we had a boy or a girl and as it turns out we have a......BOY!!......Chris was stunned and speechless for a while that bub was actually a boy....I think he really thought he was destined to have girls only.....but I knew it was a boy and I told him the minute the test came back positive I knew it would be a boy, so there was a lot of 'i told you so...' from me either way we would have been happy but I'm glad it's a boy and Chris has a son to carry on the family name......

Bub with his hand in his mouth....

So after we found out we had a boy we went pretty much straight to Best and Less and grabbed his coming home outfit which I spotted last week but decided to wait til after the ultrasound to get it, though I should have just got it as I knew we'd have a boy.....Chris loved it and I'm glad he was there to have a look at it and we actually got one a little different to what I was originally going to get but not much....
Bub will be coming home in this gorgeous outfit that daddy helped pick...
So there you have it, that has been our week.....I'm looking forward to getting more decor done, hopefully finding some models for nails and picking up bubs layby and having things set up by the end of december just in case he takes after Chris and decides to make an early appearance....well I hope you've all had a great start to the week and are enjoying the sunshine....take care and I'll be back soon...Au revoir...xo

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Spring Has Sprung At Last....

Bonjour on this lovely sunny day...finally spring has sprung here in Busselton and it's the 11th day of september....last week we had some wild storms and plenty of rain but finally and thankfully we have some sunshine and clear skies and I'm loving it...!!

I hope you've all been well and enjoying Spring or Fall depending on where in the hemisphere you are.....we actually took a drive to the beach Sunday afternoon as it was just too nice a day to stay home all afternoon...the girls loved it and had a ball....Bec in particular has been asking me heaps lately when she can go back to the beach so she was super excited to put her bathers on, grab her towel and hop in the car....

Chris chasing the girls...cloudy but nice...
Beautiful rays coming through the clouds....
We really didn't do a great deal this weekend but it was just nice hanging out as a family enjoying the sunshine and doing some gardening and watching the girls play in the yard.....I also happened to notice that I have some new shoots on my standard Iceberg rose bush and I can't wait until it's flowering....Icebergs have been a favourite of mine for years now and I just can't resist them....
Looking forward to some beautiful blooms...
Last week I also had another good find at Thingz computer desk was looking good but lacking needed a little more zsa zsa zsu....and I just happened to find exactly what it needed....a gorgeous picture...
Now it looks finished and I love this pic....
Last weekend while in Perth we had a great time catching up with friends and spending time at the convention and it was lovely to have a couple of days kid free which we haven't had in such a long time now....We had a great dinner Saturday night with Lyn and she surprised us with some pressies for bub.....
 Towels, flannels, wipes, chemical free bath wash and shampoo,
a rattle come teething ring and some thermals for next winter..
 Bubs' stuff so far...more linen than clothes...we'll fix that little
problem very soon....we have more singlets than outfits ...
I have been finding lately that I have been getting very tired with the pregnancy and little things are bothering me just a tad more than they usually would, espescially by the late afternoon....I really look forward to Chris walking through the door at the end of the day and last week he knew I had had enough of kids fighting and was tired and getting quite cranky so he did something very sweet for me.....he ran me a bath and made it all girly and lovely....take a look...

Candles and flower petals....such a heaps...
It was lovely to just soak and relax...
The left over flowers....
Chris is such a sweety and a good husband and I'm sure I've been driving him crazy at times with getting cranky and tired but he doesn't get grumpy with me....
Sunday also marked the 18 week mark with the pregnancy so technically we are at the halfway point and I am popping like mad and have started to feel a few fluttery kicks....a few far and in between at the moment but no doubt they will pick up soon......Next Monday we have our 19 week ultrasound and hopefully they will be bale to tell us if we're having a boy or girl and I will let you all know....I'm still betting on a boy....Chris was betting on a girl but I think he's undecided now....really as long as they're healthy we'll be happy.....
The feet are slowly disappearing....18 weeks along...
Well I'm off for now as I have some washing to fold and some rissoles to prepare for dinner tonight but I will be back very soon (possibly tomorrow) as I have a few decor things going at the moment that I'd love to share with you....have a wonderful afternoon and take care and we'll talk again soon....Au revoir...xoxo