Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Exploration Sunday And A New Hair Cut.....

Bonjour Home, Love and Life friends.....well once again it's been a while between posts...I'm not sure why there's such a delay lately only to say I've not been doing a great deal of anything special to write about but this weekend was the start of school holidays for us here in W.A so we have Eva for the first week then Bec goes to Perth for the second week......Chris and I decided the other week we really want to start doing more on the weekends with the girls so this week we went and explored Donnybrook and Bridgetown on Sunday......We stopped at Donnybrook first for a picnic and so the girls could play at the Apple Fun Park.....they totally loved it.....If you know anything about W.A then you know Donnybrook is apple home over here....the country side of Donnybrook is beautiful, peaceful and relaxing and you can't help but enjoy yourself while there...the girls had a ball playing and after two hours they didn't want to leave but we decided it was time to go for a drive and see Bridgetown....

Donnybrook's Apple Fun Park

Bec and Eva with Apple and Pear People....

The girls loved this and going round in circles for ages...

Chris bouncing the girls...

Eva the surfer girl...

Bec loves to swing as high as she can go...

Leaving Donnybrook for Bridgetown...these Apple Posts are all over Donnybrook...

From Donnybrook, Bridgetown is about an hours drive from memory.....isn't it funny when you're in the car and not doing the driving you don't really pay attention to how long it takes to get somewhere....We didn't get to spend as long as I would have liked in Bridgetown as it was 4pm by the time we got there but what I did see of it I totally fell in love with......Bridgetown is home to the Blues Festival every November and this year I'm hoping to get back there to enjoy it.....there are some really great shops in Bridgetown which I know all my lovely interior blogging girlies will appreciate and next time I'm there I'll make sure I get some pics of them....I did however spot a couple of great fashion shops that we don't even have here in Busselton.....I also think Bridgetown must have been getting ready for Christmas in July as a lot of the stores were decked out with decorations.....the girls loved Bridgetown too and didn't want to leave when it was time to come home....I think Bridgetown is a place I could live in as it's just so me.....the main street of town is huge plus all the side street shops, lots of lovely green pastures and so quiet.....heaven in my book....I really didn't want to leave either but it was getting late and tummy's were starting to grumble...

Chris and the girls walking down the main street of Bridgetown....

Eva and Bec loved this clothes shop wewent past and so did I.....I'll be making sure I have some retail therapy dollars next time we visit.....

I saw this quote and loved it....they had some great things in this shop...as you can tell I was lagging behind hehe...

With our time in Bridgetown brief but nice we headed home just in time as it was starting to get very cold....in fact it has been a freezing week here in the southwest so far.....We had a great weekend and look forward to doing something fun this Saturday with the girls before they go to Perth for the second week of the holidays......

Monday morning was hair cut day for me....Saturday morning I woke up and my hair was driving me mad...it was wild and crazy and not doing anything I wanted it to and it has been doing that for the last couple of weeks so I said enough is enough it's going......I don't remember my hair ever being this oily or wacky while pregnant with my other kids but this baby does not want me looking decent in the mornings that's for sure.....So I called Crystal and she came and cut it for me....it feels better already and at least now when I wake up and it's wacky and wild it won't take as long to try and tame it....and here it is....

So what do you think...better?? I'm happy with it and I love the length...

Well I'm off for now as I've promised to take the girls into town for morning tea so I'll check back in later and I'll try not to leave too long between posts.....who knows something exciting might happen this week....you never know....take care mon amis xo

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A South West Weekend Drive.....

Well I have been absent again for quite some time, mostly due to we're still trying to sort Lady out so I don't have to re-house her too and partly because we were out all weekend and I've spent the last couple of days trying to catch up on a bit of house work and trying to shake the last of this flu......just about gone thank goodness....

I'm hoping you all had a great weekend and the start to your week is going well. We decided Saturday morning that we were out of this house and going for a drive......sometimes you just have to escape for the day...especially when things seem to be coming at you from every direction. We were just going to stay home and tidy the yard a bit and do a tip run but I desperately felt like I needed to get out of the house and do something as a family and go for a drive....I didn't really have any idea where we were going as we hadn't planned anything but the advantage to living down south is that there is always somewhere to go. I grew up going out a lot on weekends and lots of picnics and drives and fishing and camping....all that sort of stuff, so while I love my home and being in the garden I really love getting out and about and exploring places.....I blame my grandmother as when we stayed with her growing up we were never home unless the weather was completely wild.......and because of this I have many great memories of my childhood and that's what I want to do with my kids so they can look back and say 'man we had fun growing up.'........For years I've been using a product called Tinderbox and it's made down south here in a place called Boyanup so I said to Chris lets go there and check it out......I knew roughly how to get there going through Capel...a town about 20 minutes from here........We packed up snacks and things and piled everyone in the car  and by ten o'clock we were on the road.....if you know the south west of W.A you know it's a lovely drive no matter where you're going. We made it to Capel fine but turned right when we should have turned left and missed Boyanup so decided we'd keep on going to Boyup Brook, another place I'd heard of that was lovely but hadn't been there.........we arrived in Boyup Brook to find it's the Country Music Capital of W.A.....and then I realized that this is where they have the country music festival after the big one at Tamworth. Being that we had been on the road for two hours we decided we all needed a toilet break and found the nearest ones...

Bec and Luke with Guitar Guy out the front of the public loos...

Bec with the Singing Girl in front of girls loos....

So after a much needed toilet break we wandered back to the car and drove a little further up the road to find somewhere for lunch as we were all starving.....this lovely, cosey, little place caught our eye so we thought we'd try some lunch there....

The Bluestone Cafe & Take Away......

We didn't realize when we walked in there was a separate dining area with a dine in menu and ended up ordering from the take away menu but dining in hehe.....they make a mean toasted cheese and tomato sandwich...I was dying for some ham but thought I better not with being pregnant.....

Bec, Chris & Luke enjoying lunch.....

Bec, Me & Luke finishing lunch....

Once lunch was done with Chris was in search of a giant white guitar he spotted driving into town, so we went in search of it.....I think Chris quite enjoyed Boyup Brook as he kept telling me it reminded him of Tamworth (he's from Tamworth originally).....We found the guitar not too far up the road from the cafe, right as you come into town....so like tourists we pulled over and took some pictures.....

Not as big as the golden guitar in Tamworth we know but it's our little piece of country here in W.A....

Daddy and Daughter sharing their love of country music......

Bec playing the giant guitar and dreaming about being a famous singer one day hehe.....

After we finished getting pictures of the guitar I noticed as we were walking back to the car there was an old Museum and although it was closed I did the touristy thing and took a picture as I loved the windmill....

The Museum just up from the guitar....will go in their next time.....

Boyup Brook is a lovely little town and as you can see it was a grey day but we enjoyed it any way and surprisingly we didn't get too much rain......before we left we had a drive around and I spotted this view from up high on one of the hills as we were driving...

I love the way it looks like the sun is shining just in the valley......

We left Boyup Brook and continued on with the rest of our country drive....we came home a slightly different way which brought us through Bridgetown where they have the Blues Festival every year, through Donnybrook which for anyone who lives in W.A knows it's the heart of Apple Town.....we're actually heading back to Donnybrook next week when we have Eva for the school holidays for a proper picnic and they have this amazing Apple Fun Park there for the kids....(will be lots of pics next week) Donnybrook is another lovely town we have here in the west. We also went through Balingup which is home to their famous Lavender Gardens and tea room so that's where I'll be taking Lyn when she comes for her holidays in the summer.......By the time we reached Balingup it was raining so we didn't stop as Bec was getting cranky and Luke was having technology withdrawls so we decided to keep heading home........it's a beautiful scenic drive over here even if you're not stopping to get out.....When we hit Capel there were cows out everywhere so I snapped some taking it easy in the rain.....

Just coming into Capel.....

We finally got home around four o'clock and it was colder in Busselton than it was where we'd just come from and they're all a lot further inland......Chris and I said we'll definitely go again soon when we haven't got kids for the weekend as then we can stop at all the towns and take our time and just enjoy it.....And although we were cold and getting tired when we got home it was the best thing we could have done it was so good to get out and just be away from home for a while.....

Sunday morning saw us at the meeting by ten o'clock, then it was home for lunch by twelve and with another afternoon in front of us we decided to go for a drive down to Cowaramup to see Chris' brother and sister in-law.........Bec was happy about that as it meant she got to see her cousin Brianna who's around the same age......it was another good afternoon out and we gave them the news about the baby and they were really happy for us...so it was a good catch up....we left after a couple of hours to head home as I needed to stop  at IGA to get a few things for dinner......Bec fell asleep on the way home singing to one of her favourite cd's so Chris ran into IGA then it was home and on with the usual routine of dinner, tidy up and get Bec to bed...

All in all we had a great weekend and I'm looking forward to doing it again soon.....sometimes there's nothing better than getting out of the house and exploring where you live and I have to say if it wasn't for kids, Luke loving his job and Chris' work you could drop me in a farm house in Boyup Brook in the middle of nowhere and I'd be as happy as Larry, as they say.........So that's it from me today and I do hope you all had the best weekend and had lots of fun and did something you love to do......soon we're going fishing and I need to teach everyone how to rig a rod and how to cast it....stay tuned....xo